Mar 10, 2012


My friend gave me this new recipe for (perfect, as he said) madeleines. So here they are from the first trial and they do look good. They came out really soft, not dry at all and the honey in the recipe is the most interesting. It gives a special taste and the nice gold color to the crusted sides. I'm thinking of making other experiences with different kinds of honey. When I find a perfect recipe (for my taste), I'd post it.
I'm always asking myself if I should post recipes of what I make on this blog. Because I started this blog mainly because I wanted to share my food and travel pictures. But I guess if I just post pictures of the things I made without the recipe, it can be frustrating for those who would want to actually taste what they see on my pictures. Therefore, from now on, I'd post recipes along if I'm confident enough about it.


MerveillesbyEstelle said...

umm recette aussi?! aie sais pas si j'ai le temps de les faire moi meme mais tes madeleines ont l'air delicieuse!

Roxane said...

Coucou! Elles sont l'air trop yummy!

Par contre je te déconseille de poster des recettes, j'ai une amie qui tient un blog de cuisine et dont une a plagié les recettes en les postant sur son blog, en les présentant comme recette de son propre cru ...

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